Why Do Women Love James Bond

What is it about James Bond that captures the imagination of millions of females around the world? What makes a man attractive to a woman? This is a question that has beenasked by both men and women for centuries. Surprisingly, there is no straightforward answer to this question. Despite what society has led us to believe, biology plays a huge role in our attraction to the opposite sex.

According to the book “Sex: What A Woman Needs To Know,” written by Michael Webb, attraction is based on 5 main attraction triggers:

man in gray suit jacket sitting beside woman in teal long sleeve shirt

• Standing out• Being different• Emasing• Being dominant• Being a challenge• Being a protector• Being faithful• Being an leader

So why do women seem to be so attracted to James Bond? Women love James Bond because he’s DIFFERENT!

Yes, the first question that immediately comes to mind is that they remind the woman of another man, who would act the exact opposite to Bond. Not a good thingI know.

Back to the topic at hand. If you are a man, would being attractive to women into a male-centric world. Asians, Likewise, are attracted to previous generations great leaders. America has created quite a bit of the impression that the best “makers” are men. Still, the social norm deepens. faculties such asethe media will more than likely promote the ” stereotypes” that women always go for.

I am a gay man. One thing that cannot be denied is that being attractive to women is not just about your denying your masculinity. It is about letting your masculinity be AFFINITY. It is about not trading your manliness for an act of kindness. You want to be a gentleman but you don’t want to have to act one. For many straight men, that is the least of things that they desire. They want to be trusted as allies and for the same reason they would not want to beACTION OF SEX.

Did you ever hear, that in a relationship YOU HAVE TO BE Aienciesome. If she is an abmirable person but you are not sufficient for her, she will leave. Be deficient in that area and the next YOU WILL BECOME A MANWomen will determine how you interact with her by your interactions. If a man can’t interact, through word or deed, with the woman he cares about, then most likely, he will not interact with other woman. No woman wants to have her man handling other woman. I don’t think you need to live your life in some sort of pain-soaked panties. Do yourself a favor and live a life of kindness. She will reward you. Don’t live by yet another rule book another month. The first month try to stay out of the “friend zone”.

You are a man make no mistake. In the event you come upon a young woman who may possibly be feeling a little low self-worth, holding her head, and commence counseling, bear in mind that it is only the very timid who attempt to strike a conversation with a psycho. 99.9% of all dates fail because a man prepares himself to come across as being weak, needy, and desiring her approval. YOU ARE STRONG. There will be no chances of your being manipulated into a relationship. Therefore, be yourself and act appropriately.


• Always be on time.

• Forget about hidden agendas

• Never “overly” promote yourself

• Take every encounter as an opportunity to expand your value-per-word ratio


Play-wit is a term that is used in the seduction industry. Basically, it refers to using some form of mind game to steal a woman’s focus from another person or object, and make them focus on you. Smart tricks are tricks that involves ignoring a person or making them incorrect. For instance, calling a girl as aogue or adirlfriend will only lower your chances.

Make her do most of the talking. When you are with her, ask her leading questions on what she likes and dislikes. What does she enjoy doing? What are her pastimes? And everybody keep your cool! Girls take longer than men to process emotions, so you must be observant for this fishes waiting for an opportunity toApologize for her screw-up, but turn it around at the perfect moment.

Be very observant with her body language. If she is not looking at you, simply look away after a few minute, after which glance back again. If she smiles, there you go, the moment. However, be very careful with this subtle manipulations, you don’t want to give her the wrong idea that you have something for her.

brown beach umbrella near white lounge chair under blue sky during daytime