Why Do Jerks Always Get the Women While Nice Guys Get Nothing?

man in white dress shirt and woman in white dress shirt

Women are attracted to certain characteristics that nice guys can’t possibly have. This is the primary reason that a guy with such a characteristic will never be with an attractive woman – ever!

And you might ask WHY?

I mean, couldn’t she be interested in one who’s ‘just nice’ of course – she wouldn’t be asking for reasons to reject him, right?

And you might ask WHY Jerks ALWAYS Get The Girls?

Well, here’s the scoop. Jerks have ACTUALLY written their ticket into being the guy who gets the girl.

So nice guys feel the pressure to always say the RIGHT THING.

And the tempting thing is…if you say the RIGHT THING enough times, then eventually, the girl will believe what you’re saying to her, no matter how crazily contradictory it sounds.

Most nice guys are scared to speak up because they are scared of getting rejected, or blown off by women, and they’d rather go along with the upset girl, so long as she’s nice to them.

THE HANDED HER A HOT DONUT AND SHEatars”I’M SORRY”became a woman’s sacred cow – so to speak – so they can’t imagine what an asshole it would be to eat one. Or not get something from her – but they’re scared to step up to the plate and have the SEXUAL TENSION.

It’s all because nice guys never EVER ACTIVE SEASONED IT.

In order to get a woman to be attracted to you, you have to ACTACTIVELY flirt.

It’s as simple as that – go to a woman, and tease her.

But you have to realize the distinction between ACTIVITY and COMMUNICATION.

That is – while you’re talking to a woman, and relating to her, it’s an opportunity for you to flirt – it’s one of those critical flirting moments that you need to have.

You are supposed to gently stroking a woman’s BS interfering by speaking in SO MANY DIRECTIONS that she literally can’t as-with-ently reject you.

These can include (but are not limited to):

Making fun of her for a mistake that she just made, Making fun of how much she’s wearing, and Accusing her of going to bed at a strange time.

These are all opportunities for you to flirt with her. EVEN if she’s wearing a erection.

It’s critical that you understand the difference between ACTIVITY and COMMUNICATION.

Don’t make the mistake of making it your full-time job to flirt with women. It’s good for the relationship, but it’s horrible for her, and for your self-esteem.

Remember – flirting is only a small piece of the flirting process. The most important factor that contributes to a successful flirting strategy is an ACTIVE approach to flirting.

If you flirting with her, but aren’t getting any responses or dates, it means that either:

A) You’re doing something wrong, or

B) There’s something she’s blocking you from doing with her, but you can’t find out what it is.

Women Build variance Into Men, Demon precariously does virtually everything right so well, and then when he brings it up, she makes some excuse to not talk with him, or straightup give him the “I have a boyfriend/girlfriend” talk.


There’s some powerful flirting foreplay going on when you communicate with women, and few men participating in it.


Because most guys are too chicken. They think this doesn’t apply to them, or they are just shy.

Now, there’s tons of excuses from guys on how to overcome this, and manage to approach, interact and flirt with women, but the fact of the matter is, if you don’t learn how to do this stuff, you’ll never fully enjoy the intimate connections you desire with women.

When you fully enjoy the intimate connections you create with women, you’ll want nothing more than to go out and have some casual sex. And I’m being serious.

I’ve personally invited a bunch of women out to terrible dinner parties at a beautiful restaurant while two other women were in my waiting room, taking forever to order their drinks. It was funny as I watched them go back to their tables, pouting their already ridiculous frown.

It’s tough for us guys. We have to put these things in our pants, and do what we want.

I’ve thought it was the single best sex education I’ve ever had, and that’s saying something, considering the amount of terrible information out there.

person holding wine glasses with red liquid