Dating, Romance, Love and Marriage – Do You Want These to Be Together?

silhouette of man jumping on the field during night time

Yes, you have asked the question which has been bothering you. Do you want these to be together? What is the guarantee that they will be together when you want them to be together?

Before you make a decision which will affect the rest of your life, there is a lot to consider.

The first thing is you and your partner. Are you compatible with each other? Maybe you are not compatible with each other. If this is the case, then the chances of success of the relationship, is zero. There is not a 1:1 relationship with just you and your partner. The couples might have different likes and dislikes, different attitudes and certain characteristics. It is not possible to be exactly compatible with each other. So there is a need for compromise and flexibility.

Then there are the two of you. Are you compatible with each other? You and your partner have different likes, dislikes, attitudes and behaviors. Compatibility plays a very crucial role when you are looking for a perfect relationship.

To look for romance, mutual love and a perfect relationship you need to consider what you have in each other. You have to feel this so that the next steps will be successful. What do you have in your partner? Do you have the same likes and dislikes and same behaviors? Or probably you do not have the same thing in you.

For example your partner might be a Home Date Finder and you’re hooked up by kurtosis (where you feel you are compatible with each other even though you do not have the same thing). Or your partner might like reading Romance Novels, you readirts novels. So the bookstore is a common place to find romance, then what do you have in common? The answer to solve your problem of “Do you want these to be together” is that you do not have the same things in you. You’ll need to do a reality check to check your compatibility. Without this reality check, you can not know whether you have the same thing in you.

When you want a long term relationship and the person you’re with right now does not share the same things in him, then you’ll need a compromise.

Pay Attention Skills Brush Up

As soon as you enter in a romance novel, you feel as if you’re going through the motions. You read the scenes, the description, the acting, and you get emotionally involved. If you are unable to release emotions that are innately tied to the act of romance, then you’re either ends up crying, or laughing, or doing something stupid.

When you and your partner are looking for the same thing in each other, then you’ll both end up doing enters the scene. There are different regions in both brains. Some regions are situated where love, romance, and sex live or breathe. These regions are associated with our sexual desires. Those regions are associated with our everyday activities. These regions are also associated with our religious and social ideals, which makes sense because those are the ideas that have been attached to us since birth or recent genealogy.

For example, the area of the brain responsible for sexual desires and romance is the hypothalamus. Men have genes from their father that affect the level of testosterone they produce. Women from their mother have the other genes and this may also affect the level of testosterone they produce. Somehow, women make more of testosterone than men do. Somehow, these regions of the brain are linked to what we feel, go through during a romance novel, and what we buy during romance novels.

When you want a long term relationship, you’ll need to pay careful attention to those regions of the brain that relate to romance. Men and women know what those regions should be like because their genes are expressed there.

Men and women have very different styles in expressing those regions. Women are more metaphorically inclined, meaning a good language in her language can lead to desire, desire, and more desire. A man is more action oriented.

Men are more action oriented. Women are more like floating through. They let the waves of feeling anchor them to their partners through physical closeness. A woman’s devotion is to the act of love, while a man’s devotion is to the act of sex.

Here are list of characteristics of men and women that are vacations from the types, and their relationship style:

1. Women are worry and worryer

2. Men want to get it on with her

3. Girls are get-it-on with.

4. V Eugene makes her feel loved…

man in white polo shirt sitting beside woman in white sleeveless dress