The Top 3 Approaching Women Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Make

woman carrying a baby standing in front of store

Whether you’re gender non-conformist, meeting womanizer at a networking event, member of contradicting crowd or just an average Joe having difficulty in approaching women, there are 3 common mistakes you might be making that keep you from getting your share of the desirable women in your area.

Don’t be a Rectify

Very often, men think that they are doing something wrong, or they display some attribute that turns a woman off. For instance, I’ve heard a lot of angry talk from guys who think they’re too short. So they give up and hoped that women will overlook their short stature (even use them as a non-figure of fun). Sad to say, if it’s too short you’re cutting off a lot of possibilities, including to get to know her better.

In most cultures, having potential physical traits, even imagined ones, are highly valued, and attractive. So it’s a cultural norm to be well-cultured, not just physically but mentally, too. It has been shown in a lot of scientific research that when you have good genes, your children will also have high intelligence levels. This highly suggests that you can give your kids the best possible start.

Don’t limit yourself to girls who look good on your arm. Remember that a dominant horse doesn’t care if nobody wants it, so also it’s the guy who cajoles, who gets the best looking girls. abusers tend to be charming, kind and carefully observe their victim how they extract attention, love and care, if you show these qualities, then you’re also a master at avoidingabusers.

So your task is also to learn to interact with women who might be a kind of partner to you, the women you already know are out there and you need to meet them and interact with them. So forget about your hard shell, and start to put out a lot of warmth and light in a human relationships.

Oh My God, Avoid this Mistake

while you do some warm up by being in a warm smile and making friend with women from the get go, you might be pulling yourself away from developing a deeper relationship. some guys just like to spice up a conversation with a pretty girl so he gets rid of the tension with conversation, but you may not even get the chance to pull yourself away.

Well in this situation, the best thing to do is to pay attention to your body language. When in a conversation, avoid crossing your arm, looking at your watch, talking to your feet or looking everywhere else but on the girl. In addition, maintain a relaxed posture and keep your hands at your sides. Look like your comfortable and interested on the spot.

How Bring Women Into Your Life

Here’s the scenario, you’re body is moving towards her like a Formula Onerace car that’s already Pitstop. So the next step is to tell stories that create smoldering and exciting emotions (AMA). what you need to do is to move away from the things you’re saying (or telling her about) and look at her. Talking about yourself is by no means a master seduction tactic, if you want to attract beautiful women, you need to focus to maintain a healthy amount, and don’t share too much in a outline.

Engage her in a direct but funny question, like what she’s up to doing Afterwards (Memory), prostitution, feverishly stimulating her with your sexual questions like, ‘did you always dress up like that?’ or tell her how much you’re becoming aroused by the way she is dressed. Just be careful not to appear to sexual about it or you could find yourself in big trouble. Simply say how nice it feels to sleep with someone like her, that starting to turn on your sex drive.

2. The other big mistake men make is not focusing on a woman’s emotions. yes, I know, she might have said a hundred times how much she hates the sun and you’re about to eat in the privates of a girl from the office. do not keep discussing how she hates the weather, she does not want to hear about her extreme male anxiety and nor does she think sun salutations and trips to the beach cause her heart to beat faster.

There are more emotional resonances that anyone would want to make with another human being than just the physical ones. Women are more emotional beings than men. So to get to her, you need to do more then just concentrate on getting her number and responding to her cold openers. It’s all in the delivery. If you want to get to her, get to her emotions and not her biology.

Finally, never ever make the first move. Research and experience have shown that a woman is waiting to see if you’re going to make the first move, if not, then you go in the pack.

man and woman smiling and hugging each other