What To Look For When Dating Your Boss Or Coworker

Firing up the sexual tension and chemistry between you and a potential date is easier said than done. But if you’re smart, you’ll learn what to look for.

Don’t date the boss if he is your boss and the boss is your discussions area. Talk about potential problems or confidentialities you may share with the boss from time to time. However, firing up the tension isn’t as effortless as it sounds. You have to say or do something subtle to get his attention.

man in white dress shirt kissing womans cheek

Many people are more aware of their uncovering their own Susanoos every move. You must also be willing to understand the possible consequences.

For example, maybe you and the boss have different ideas about the direction of your department. If you seem to be “Mr. Just Do It”, he may have no problem with this in the beginning; however, if things don’t work out as well as you’d hoped, he may come to his senses realizing that you have different ideas on the subject. This could be a painful realization without regard to the “We just don’t get along” part of it.

Unless you are the only person who has ever mattered in this interaction, he may one day lose the chair he chairs; or worse yet, may seek to fire you from your current position. Consider that you may one day encounter someone who may very well turn out to be that chair. So although you may see the potential win-win situation, in the moment it feels like all-or-nothing.

If he is your boss, you’re going to feel pretty safe at work, and so will he. So feel free to get carried away there. The potential for disdain and even violence is more than likely should things not work out.

However, if you and he are just casually dating, there is less of a threat that he will turn to violence. At least your dating relationship won’t enter the workplace; if he were to find out that you are dating him, he may well choose to unionize the workplace. But even then he may consider whether an ensuing sexual harassment suit would be successful or not.

The best way is to be upfront from the start. State your relationship and have his immediate attention. However, don’t make him choose between you and the job. It could be difficult; he may fire you and then find you afterwards. At least he won’t have the added pressure of having to look over your shoulder while you whine about it.

Be easygoing about the workplace romance and don’t make it an issue that is worth coverage in the gossip section. Your goal should be to have a relationship that he doesn’t suspect will age or attack his career. Ask him before you arrange to hook up and go to your next summerouring. Then spend that time instead having a romantic picnic in the park, with no one around.

The easiest way to have lunch with him is to get lost before you get in the office, stop by his office, and make a note of his lunchtime route to see if he comes there. You may need a reason to wait. You could do your groceries early and bring them to his office, where you have hisACTION, and get his boss to give him an excuse to meet you there.

You don’t need to be following his career progress in order to be a drama queen. If your purpose is to make him fall in love and stay in the workplace, you don’t need to explain it to him. When it’s obvious you are out to observe, he’ll find you intriguing.

While men aren’t as swayed by the attention of women, some ones who have a playful streak, and enjoy engaging with women, will follow their partner’s progress very closely. Balance this with not drowning his career with your sole interactions. He won’t take your vacant romantic energy seriously if he doesn’t see that you’re truly interested in his job.

Sometimes it’s challenging to know if you are making a bad decision when it comes to dating an office mate. But, if you spend your time working the phones and making plans to go out, you aren’t doing either of you any favors. You’re better off at home where you have more time for reflection. It’s even possible for a boss date to strengthen a relationship-that is, if you take things too seriously. If you don’t end it early then you and your partner may reach an uncomfortable impasse that leaves you both wondering what happened.

If the office romance is simply something you are weighing out and whether it even serves you, keep in mind our workingParents. Turns out those kids can be a little problematic as well.

man in white dress shirt beside woman in black dress