The One Critical Mistake You’re Making When Trying to Meet Women

man in black jacket kissing woman in white shirt

All guys want to meet more women… but not all of those women are going to find him attractive.

So… what critical mistake are you making when trying to meet women?

I think what we ALL do it fall into one of these categories:

1. Those that ONLY talk about themselves

2. Those that BADLY want to meet women

3. Those that limit themselves to “just dating”

4. Those who put “dating” on the same level as “hanging out”

5. Those who have NO idea how to meet women

Whatever you call it, I don’t think any of those originally hit the mark. If you’re one of “just dating”, then you are definitely one of those guys who have NO idea how to meet women. Or you could be one of those who are so desperate to actually meet women that you’re willing to put!!”Meet Women” as a scintillating side effect to your life instead of what should be the purpose of your life as an adult.

Either way, there’s one thing you CAN do to finally get to where you want to be in your approach to life AND finding a girlfriend.

WOMEN ARERaised to LISTEN to guys. Men are raised to LISTEN to women. There’s an expectation there, and unfortunately, most guys don’t meet that expectation.

It’s that desire to meet women that causes us to tune out to the sound of our own voices.

It really is a curious phenomenon. Sounds kind of like a shopping problem.

You want to buy something. You go to the grocery store, where you’re clear as day on one item. You’re willing to wade through tons of prices and display a faith that the item you choose is going to be the best for you.

But when it comes to women, most guys are at a loss. They’re desperate to meet women, and that makes it even harder to stop and take a step back and to see the “big picture”

I know, sounds impossible. Who in their right mind would approach a woman that they don’t even know? Right?

But it’s VERY possible. It may not happen right away, but for many men, once they take a step back and start looking from a somewhat being a summary of what they see in the big picture, then the light will start to shine.

It doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to use the same approach on all women, or that your “Fix it I’m dating” will work every time.

But that you can begin to make that bigger picture a clearer and a MUCH more accurate picture.

And once you do start to start looking at something more useful, and dwelling on the more useful details, your whole approach to meeting women will change, in dramatic fashion.

Most men don’t even know it, and one of the quickest ways to get better is to just allow yourself to step back a little and take a hard look. Once you do, you may be surprised at all the detail you have previously excised, or dealt with in silence.

I’ve talked with a lot of men on this subject. They generally report that the problem is that they don’t fully enjoy talking with women, and focus so much on the interaction that they don’t have much detail to what they ARE getting into.

And that’s why creating some form of visual aid can really help. When you can add pictures or Staticons (User-friendly animated clips) to help and boost your ability to think about meeting women, you’ll suddenly become much more aware of your surroundings, in all sorts of environments, and be much more prepared to approach them.

But the bottom line is that I ultimately think itut poses more trouble for men, to be able to talk about this stuff the right way. I think that’s primarily because we as men have such a hard time acknowledging any sort of weakness in our emotional/behavioral make-up.

And when we do encounter these issues, we basically don’t know how to deal with them, can’t admit that they even exist, and just blow them off…

I think it also has to do with the fact that men are visual creatures, and have a hard time dealing with things that are visual.

All of us guys would deny that we’re anything less than super-model looking, and that we could be as physically attractive as girls. And I think that it’s totally ridiculous to even try to argue with that.

And on top of that, visual considerations aren’t the only reason we don’t make a good communicates with women.

We also have internal programs that we’re subject to, both implicit and explicit, that keep us from having the confidence to act on our desires.

man in white dress shirt kissing woman in white dress