How To Make A Great First Impression With Women

If you have a quality woman in your life, do you want to create a great first impression with her to set you up for success?

I believe every man has the ability to make a great first impression with the woman of his dreams. However, the problem is that most men simply fumb the wrong way to try to impress a beautiful woman.

two person wearing blue jeans standing on gray concrete stair

Women enjoy being made to feel special and gorgeous. However, doing things the right way is the key to making a man attractive to you. You need to twist things around to get her hot for you.

Here’s the thing…

Women respond to men in two primary ways. First, the indirect method works extremely well because it allows you to be funny and relaxed. At the end of the conversation, she is left wondering why you are such a chilled dude and what it is about you that’s so amazing.

The second way a woman responds to men is through emotions. And unfortunately, it is here where you have a powerful means of manipulation. That’s right, be emotional and you will suck the life out of her. It’s easy if you are skilled in it.


Really, the key to a great first impression with a woman is to make her feel special and gorgeous. There are two ways to accomplish this. First, you need to make her feel as though she’s the most important woman in the room. Make her feel beautiful and unique. Invite her to share her point of view and then listen without interrupting her. Once she feels that you are suddenly drawn to her, she will eagerly tell you what she thinks about each perspective.

This is the time where you must mix that lead into the conversation. In order to do that, you must be able to incorporate her notion of beauty into your own. Mix it up, change it up, and keep her guessing. It’s not the time to reveal that you were told the same line of work, that your brother is the ugliest guy on earth, or that you share the same credit card asgery. galvanizeience is the key here.

Instead, gain a Focus for your approach. A woman can feel your interest in her by either challenging you head on or barely letting you get by. She can also feel your interest when she is half in your room and half out of it. Ambiance is very important.

The key to her not being able to resist you is by not being predictable. Beautiful women are addicted to the routine. They hate it because they know that they always have the crutches of an answer in front of them. If you don’t do what they are used to, they are going to want you. And, that is what you want.

Next, remember that women want you to maintain your demeanor. If you are laughing, talking and smiling, she is having a good time, too. If you are not, you are going to bore her and create a nice opportunity for her to stroll right over by and talk to you.

Instead, be predictable and she will not be able to resist a chance to talk to you. I am not saying that you can’t ever change your personality. When you practice and want to change a bad habit, you do not change it because you are afraid of what may happen. You just adapt to it. Basically, if she is used to you being a perpetual complainer, when you stop it and become the guy who is simply naturally happy, she is going to find that she cannot resist the influence of your upbeat attitude.

What happen if she is with a mutual friend and they are having a conversation, and they ask how she is doing? You need to utilize this opportunity as a mutual Conversation.

Say something to demonstrate you heard what she said. Show her you care and make it personal by sharing what happened with her. Tell her the person you are friends with probably felt the same way about you as she did about her friend.

Talk is easy. Just imagine how it feel when you can focus all your attention on a person, and she can do the same.

woman on top of man in black shirt