Be Seen and Get Dates

In order to get dates, you need to be seen by girls. This seems so obvious, but there is a lot of truth to it. If you don’t show up at all, then girls will assume that they do not fit into your world. The only way that this will not work, is for you to actually go out and make an effort to meet girls.

One major source of potential dates is through your social circle. If you have a lot of friends who are out of school, married, in the opposite sex, maybe even non- halftime show goers, you get the idea. You can call and ask them to set you up. The more friends you have, the deeper you can get. This is who I am talking about.

Make an effort to be seen. Maybe take a few more classes or something at the school. The possibilities are endless. I was the computer guy when I was in high school, so I had a lot of opportunities to be seen. It was fun and I met a lot of girls. I can see the potential now in social places. If you do not go through your social circle, you will probably have to badger a girl or two to go out with you. It will not always work, but trust me.

I am getting more and more asked out by women of all types. For a long time, I wouldShort 8s when a really hot girl asked me out. I went to Long 10s. After working a job for twenty years, I have mastered the art of getting dates, not just from the bar and club scene, but being at the Laundromat of course. My life is full of women. I have a family, an art business, and many other women who are friends. From what I have learned, there is no prettier woman on the planet than a woman who I genuinely care for. There are a lot of the Ann Helena types out there too. Don’t worry, they can’t all be great fun.

I realize that some of you probably have a lot of drama in your lives that you have to deal with. Maybe your husband just got evicted, or you lost your grandfather to illness. Maybe you have a parent that is desperately under the weather, or you have a kid that is obsessed with glasses. Whatever the reason, I have a whole bunch of guys who share your situation. Whether you have been out of the game for a while and you need help meeting chicks or you are a fairly newbie in the game and you just don’t know how to be successful yet, none of us can help you.

The guys that can help you are guys like me. I don’t run dating websites or have an eBook series. I am not ashamed of that. I just teach men how to be successful with women on a regular basis. I am going to share with you the biggest thing I have learned through experience. You need to understand that there are three phases in a relationship.

1) The relationship

2) The chase

3) The commitment

phases one and two are mutually exclusive. To get from one to the next you need to build a relationship. That is the equivalent of building a house. metaphorically speaking, you need to find a buyer, a willing builder, and then you need to negotiate with him.

If you want to get from one to two to three you need to negotiate with your builder. My builder is going to make me happy. You need to negotiate with him. The beauty of negotiating is that over time you can get what you need. You need to negotiate with him.

As you negotiate with your builder you have to show him that you are a valuable woman. You need to negotiate with him and ask him for a price. You need to know right now what you are getting out of the relationship.

If you are a single mom, you will want an tutor for your kids. If you are married you will need help picking out a wedding dress. Enter the market with a generic stall in the relationship. You will seem needy. You need to build a relationship by trade. Otherwise you and your builder will be stuck at the level of two taking care of each other.

Most single dads I have talked to never thought this would happen to them. They look at the glass as half full, thinking that nowthat they are a single dad, suddenly they have all this time on their hands. On the contrary, if you enter the relationship with the mindset that you are not an independent woman, but still want to maintain a social life, you need to realize that there is no time.

I have talked to a number of wedding architects and they say the same thing. “I do not need the maximum amount of time possible to get ready, the only thing that changes is my attitude and my Icewoman.”

man in gray suit jacket beside woman in white floral dress