Getting Back With Your Ex – When?

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So you want to know, “When do I get back with my ex?” You are a big strong hearted zed-out unwilling to give up your night outs with the boys and it’s been a serious blow to your relationship. You want to be with the one you love, and who cares what others thought of … Read more

Hooks In The Woodwork

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Most women break up with men because they feel lost in the relationship. Disappointing him leaves him feeling as though he has known you for years, walking on shaky ground. Women who feel trapped by relationships very often turn to drugs, abortion, and food to dull the taste of their bitterless cups. A hookup allows … Read more

How To Flirt With A Woman You Just Ordered

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A woman always needs to be flirted with – whether it is your first meeting or first date or even if you are just starting to go out. Women get excited about men they meet and see as soon as they approach them – so designers, writers, poets and artists always need to express their … Read more

The Allure Of The Unavailable Man

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Women long for a special kind of man. This man is incredibly confident, not dependent on anything or anyone, and completely unattached. Would you care to answer the universal question of what do men want from women. Let’s exclude gender roles for a moment and examine this question from start to finish. Okay, start with … Read more

Red Flags In Relationships

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The word “red flag” brings to mind images such as those seen in the war movies. In these types of movies, a guy with a big red rose accompanies a girl who is teeming with red flags. She is slowly led on a path of confusion to become an infatuated love affair. However, those around … Read more

How To Attract A Woman You Meet The First Time

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Getting to know a girl can be difficult to some men, especially if they’re new to the game. There can be a lot of uncertainty, and you might not know how to begin a conversation with someone you just met. I’ve been wondering how to approach ladies and talk to girls when I’m really into … Read more

Why Men Finish Last

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There are so many reasons why men finish last. There are many reasons why women are beginning to catch up and when these kind of feelings are happening towards a man, it’s rather difficult to pinpoint anything that could possibly have anything to do with his failure. If it’s a man’s failure in this area, … Read more

Dating 101 – Playing Hard To Get

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Do you know how to play hard to get? Why is this so important? Do you want to keep a guy attracted to you? When you are hard to get, a man will do so much things to win your heart and attention. Playing hard to get is very sexy and easy to do. Men … Read more

Why Do Some Men Have Difficulties In Developing Healthy Relationships With Women Early On?

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Developing a healthy relationship with a woman is not something that just happens suddenly. It takes a continuous effort and dedication to sustain it. Therefore, there are several factors that could potentially explain why men are so Communication theirs while women are not. Potential causesWhy do men have difficulties in developing healthy relationships with women? … Read more