10 Easy Ways To Attract Women

Many guys have trouble attracting girls. Dating and attracting women can be a strange and unfamiliar process for some guys. The best way to learn how to attract women is to understand how they think and what attracts them in a relationship.

Once you know what attracts women, it will be easy to acquire that dating life you’ve always dreamed about.

The following are 10 simple ways to attract women for you to develop into a desirable bachelor.

1. Show her you are interested.

Without complimenting her looks or telling her she looks nice, you’ve won’t attract the girl. Mystery just makes it less awkward to flirt with a girl you are trying to attract. Add in a nice smile and some self-confidence and watch her come towards you. Show her you are interested.

2. Confidence.

The number one thing that attracts women is confidence. Women feel safe with men who are confident because they see this in a man. Its safe and comfortable to them because they see a man that is secured and has his life in order. To really attract a woman, act confidently but not arrogance because this will make her run away. There is also a fine line between confident and arrogant, so be careful.

3. Create mystery.

Just like playing hard to get, you want to create mystery and romance. It keeps her wanting more. It’s a real turn-on for women. You can add fun and laughter to your conversation by asking her questions about herself as well as letting her contribute and give you her ideas and thoughts.

4. Be a gentleman.

This means opening the door for her, taking care of her Flowers, being a gentleman at her seat, taking her coat. You want to fulfill your end of the conversation or encounter. She expects you to show some consideration because she put some effort in getting dressed and showing up in a nice outfit.

5. Be keen on details.

Women are very detail oriented when it comes to clothing shopping. She will look at a blazer and quickly notice if it’s someone’s jacket and if it’s a cardigan, which is much less formal than a dress. Dress appropriately for the occasion and accessorize. Showing up on your first date in old, worn out clothes matches perfectly with the “old school” vibe of your personality. 20-year old girls will notice that and won’t be attracted to you. Girls mature faster than men, so wear something that giggles happy.

attracting women
attracting women

6. Pay attention to table manners.

The way you eat at a restaurant will reveal part of what makes a good impression in a girl. Choose a table that allows for communication and allows for interesting conversation. Offering her your napkin to wipe with her hand is a nice touch and will show her you care. Sometime a gentleman will greet a girl, sweep off her feet and heels and take off like Killer Joe, leaving her wanting more. Your table manners will speak volumes about you to a girl.

7. Be chivalrous.

Chivalry might be dead, but she’s definitely looking for a damsel in distress and a knight in shining armor. While it seems like chivalry is something passed on from generation to generation, it’s alive and well in a woman’s thoughts. Open doors, guide the guide to the table, and be prepared to order. Always be polite to the wait staff. You are not going to be considered as polite or a gentleman if you ever turn into a snob.

8. Be yourself.

While it’s good to be genuine and thoughtful when trying to attract a girl, you want to be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you are not. If you are worried about someone reading into your personality, it’s best to be honest and genuine from the beginning. It makes it easier for her to accept you as who you are.

9. Make eye contact.

When you are speaking to each other, don’t be afraid to make eye contact and listen with your whole being. This is a very important tip to attracting the girl of your dreams. She wants to know that you are really listening, and really hearing her. This is probably one of the most important tips to attracting girls.

10. Pay attention.

When at any social function, whether it be party, work, club, sporting event, etc. is where you are most comfortable and confident. If you are at a homecoming event and the lady next to you is talking about her brother’s football team, then you might be better off turning to your buddy and having a one-sided conversation. Whatever the case, if you are at a social function and can’t find yourself a spot, surround yourself with people. Think about it, if you are a funny and interesting guy and can’t find anyone to share your great idea with then the others at the party (or whatever) will be looking down.

How to Attract a woman – Weird Tricks That Will Surely Help You

Are you ready to learn how to attract women?

Why set up a date when she is not even in the same room? Many men tell themselves that the only way to a woman’s heart is to first stroke her heart. However, there are many other ways that can lead to your ecstasy. It is simply all about applying the principles to women. Read on to find out what these are.

Be interesting

Women are naturally attracted to men who are interesting. Men won’t stand out if they are just doing the same thing over and over again. To attract a girl, she has to see something new in you every time you want to seduce her.

She has to see that you are an individual. Have your own hobbies and activities that you pursue. Don’t just stammer around and make a fool out of yourself while trying to make an impression.

attract women
attract women

Put yourself down

A man’s failure to understand how to attract a girl happens when he comes to thinking that some girl is his undoing. He comes giving out negative energy to bad vibes. Women will keep running away because you’re giving out a scary vibe.

Make sure that you are well dressed and well groomed at all times. Dress appropriately, and keep your facial hair neat. Any guy can learn how to attract a girl by keeping an upbeat, pleasant demeanor and a charming smile.

Be an action man

Women also adore men who are willing to do something interesting while looking for true love. If you’re still not sure how to attract a girl the easiest and fastest way is to be the one to do the picking.

Try to brave the flirting balls. If you and the girl start talking, try to be humorous and fun too while dishing out a few flirtatious words – you can be sure everybody wants to do that! Don’t let her lead you into asking her phone number. Let her make the move from there – sometimes, you need to be the one to initiate!