What Do I Need to Do to Make Sure a Man Always Remains Interested in Me? This is What You Need to Do

man and woman standing on sea dock during daytime

So, you’ve managed to get the man you like interested in you, managed to keep his interest for a very long time and have even managed to become romantic and hooked on you. That is a great achievement! However there’s one thing you need to keep in mind if you want to avoid the ‘pop’ and the man going soft if you’re not careful….

Overthrowing your insecurity

In the process of getting your man to remain interested in you, you need to learn to look at your past and address certain issues with yourself. If you have a history of self-pity and have suffered personally from serious events in the past, your man will be able to smell it from a mile away. Being vulnerable is extremely attractive to men! Therefore, to make sure your man remains interested in you, focus on turning your “failure fear” into potential success.

Remember the little preparations that went into your successful attempt to make this successful attempt

To make sure your man remains interested in you acknowledge each small thing you did during your attempt to make the relationship successful, manufacture a few details that were new to you and turn them into your strength. Little preparation turns into massive strength that your man can’t resist.

Be aware of obvious signs that your man is losing interest

You need to even out the fear of failure by not noticing the obvious signs that your man is losing interest in you. So if your man spends less time with you, if he doesn’t show up early yet, if he doesn’t call you as often, then know that something is wrong, but don’t let your alarm bells start ringing, after all, it isn’t you who is worrying your man away, right?

Indeed, if you want to make sure your man remains interested in you, then a little care should go a long way.

Take a small break from your man

Going on a break will not solve the problem of making your man remain interested in you. What you need to do is come back having renewed interest in everything. Try to do something to make his day and you’ll see how your man will once again respond.

Get back on the practice plan and socialize with your friends at regular intervals

Socialization is one of the best ways to make sure your man continues to remain interested in you. Be on social networking sites, friend someone, join a gym, take salsa lessons, go window shopping – just do something activity based that will keep you occupied. When your man sees you happily engaged in activities that make your life fulfilling he won’t think about disappeared interests.

Make yourself an irresistible woman by trying to dress up, smell good, touch sensuously, etc

A lot of women fail to keep a man interested by wearing too much make-up, hooking their hair continuously, wearing clothes that compel too much attention, etc. while on a date. Make sure you make a healthy physical appearance by driving your body and your brains through intense practices, then apply more subtle make-up to highlight your face features and shadow down your chin.

Keep your man interested by not always being available

When you are not always available for him, your man will see that you have so many other interests in life too and will keep missing you. Don’t always answer his calls and occasionally let some other guy call you first. It will make your man discover how interesting you are even when you are not around.

Don’t always think about making yourself available for him

Do other things occasionally. Don’t ForCE yourself to be available whenever he wants to see you. Give him the opportunity to miss you as well. Let him realize that you have a lot of spontaneous activities in your life and are often not just available whenever he likes to take you out.

If you really want to make your man remain interested keep these tips in mind and apply them whenever you’re not quite sure how your relationship is progressing.

man and woman standing beside brown wooden fence during daytime