Things Not To Ask Your Girlfriend

man wearing black and brown parka coat about to kiss woman

I once did this thing where I asked a girl for her number, and she said, “Why do you want my number? Don’t you have anything else to do?” It was a silly question to be sure, because she was trying to hook up with me. I didn’t know what to say after that. One thing that I felt bad about was that I chickened out. Obviously I didn’t have the guts to say, “OK, I was going to give you my number, but who the hell is going to play that game with me? I mean, seriously”.

So with that being said, if you say things like this, you should expect a “no”, especially when you are asking a girl for her phone number. Don’t twiddle your thumbs and be like the little boy who said “no” to a “day Without you” or something. Even “why don’t you have something better to do?” If you are lame, she should leap out of her chair and smack you right on your smug cheek. I don’t know what it is, but whether you like it or not, if you are a lame, stuck-up jerk, she is going to choose the guy with a handsome face over you. Besides, if you are going to be a man, you also have to be likeable.

Now, if you are smart, you probably saw this coming. I mean, when you ask for her number, you should alsooffering her a gift. AFrankpledgeSeen you around? Women can smell total desperation a mile away. You should complete this process with whatever is in your mind, even if you are having a hard time figuring it out. It can be a small thing like a business card. It can be a shirt. It can be something heavy and funny like a big cowboy hat. You have to think of something to get her attention, and then once it is there, you can turn it on her.

So when it comes to asking a girl her number, there are three steps to it. First is what you say. Second is what you offer. Then how you ask.


A lot of guys think that they can top the line of “Can I have your number?”, with “Can I have your number?” It doesn’t work like that. Not only does it sound needy and desperate, it is clear that you are also a liar. Of course, if you say it like this, you have to be a liar too. It can be a fine line, you just have to observe her body language and facial expressions. If she has already started moving in your direction and she is smiling at you, you probably would be fine with asking for the number. Just be sure to let her know that you are indeed a man of confidence, and that you are not looking for an easy ride. If you are looking for a relationship, behave like one. Ask her to continue the conversation and if she responds, great, if not, keep it light, recommend you one that fits her mood, and quickly add, “how about we chat in the next week?”


Any offer, big or small, is subject to rejection. I have actually seen guys ask to leave a girl’s number after asking her first if she would like to see a movie with them. What you offer is your number, next time they call, or continue to offer it to the next person. Sharing and building friendship is what you should be doing with that offer. Ask her for her number so you both can continue the conversation. But offer her something different for her number. Most guys say, “I’ll leave it in your voice mail or my number will be saved”. This is not good. You have shared information with each other, but now you are offering it in a different context. Think about this, you are now leaving a message that you know that she has already read. It’s like largely though not saying hello …you basically only shared your number, she has not kept your number …or given it to you.


This is the easy part, it’s just a quick way to show that you are a man of confidence. Women are nice people. Most are looking for a boyfriend/videstrate. They like to be kept at arm’s length. So when asking them for a number, it is important to remember to go easy on it. There is no need to be over the top, or show off with your bravado.

man in black sweater kissing woman in blue and white striped shirt