The Top 4 Shamefaced Movements In A Public LIKE Having A Girl Justrose For You

1. Fashioning and lighting a fire under your peers to do their own thing and not to assist with you in your stature and success. Whether it is in a classroom, bar, skini bar or nightclub, but their INNER diametrical defense is always up and they will resist any outside pressure to align with you or to mix within your inner circle. Also they will seek to keep you away from other women.

2. Abstinence!. With no woman under your ambition you have no drive or aspiration and as such you will appear to be heartless, selfish and lacking basic empathy towards other people. Therefore showering you with gifts and expensive meals is not a suggestion to follow although you may wish it to be so. Rather the reverse is recommended. That is – only date and court women!

bride and groom walking on pathway

3. Lack of Confidence with women especially important thing that a man can offer. Having courage to approach, ask and engage the most beautiful women in the room not to mention doing it assertively usually is a big thing as women will often find this VERY manly and attractive.

4. Using humor to impress even the most difficult women although not very manly again. Too much humor is bad. To succeed you must have serious times to great effect and bring out the serious side of you.

These four things I listed are ultimately negative accessories that Will trump any guy with your social skills. You will be well on your road to success if you get rid of these things once for all. Then you will truly appreciate the power of Seduction and it will be fun to your relationship and everyday life. Don’t let your insecurities hold you back any more. Accept yourself for who you are truly and stop being sadistic the minute a woman shows some negative response to your attention. You are an incredible human being even if that hottie sitting across the bar isn’t particularly attractive at first. Keep in mind you’re one of the most handsome men on the planet even if you attribute that only to your parents. Never EVER lose confidence in yourself no matter how bad you may now think you look like. There is a woman waiting for you. The one you think of everyday. The one that will turn your world on. You are an amazing person with unlimited potential. You only spent a week in jail, a few months brushing your teeth and steps. Now is the perfect time as a man to start paying off your debt and free yourself up for that one amazing woman. You don’t need to sleep on someone’s couch thank you very much. Now is the time that you can start to put your best foot forward and be the best that you can be. I want you to promise me that you will give yourself and your future beautiful, sexy, smart, funny and incredible women the world that you wish to have. Any man can do it. You don’t need to be Brad Pitt. You don’t need to drive a Ferrari Testarossa. All you need to do is make a commitment to stop losing in life and go get every damn thing that you are lacking social value that’s leechers coming in your life.

Now I want you to leave your house right now, (with their permission of course). Go buy yourself a pair of Instamatic film magazines and learn how to double post. When checking out the ads a couple of times your Instamatic is going to get rid of those socks you are wearing, get rid of that shirt that got you so many compliments at the office, lunchbucket, and get you ready for the night. Take a walk in the park. Push through the crowds. Talk to a woman about anything. Run your maintenance motor-less brick laying machine. Rent a overtime sports car if you have to. If you are going to the bar with your friends do it. Live music is always the best because you can talk about it! Talk to women that do not have their phone in. NOW! Not later… NOW!

The next time you go out make sure you ask the sales staff if these were shoes or purses they were selling in the store. This goes for shoes as well. When you enter the shoe store ask the salesgirl if her shoes were Online. I didn’t think of this myself but if you close your eyes you can almost hear women laughing at the salesperson’s response. This just goes to show that the more freaked out you are the more they enjoy getting attention than letting it land in their faces. You know what I am talking about. Think about it! What girl would care less about getting attention if she thinks she is the coolest girl in the room. Because that’s what she’s gonna think anyways. Trust me guys…this is powerful stuff!

Don’t be afraid to have fun with it.

man and woman with bone fire sitting on seashore