The 7 Deadly Sins of Dating

woman in black shirt sitting on brown wooden chair

As with the regular 7 deadly sins, these can also easily apply to dating. I have adapted them to suit my own motivations.

As I said in my other articles, a relationship is ExLove. You may both be madly in love and hate it every day, but that’s part of the life or the spirit of the relationship. And as long as you live it that way, you have no choice but to imperfectly imperfect the ExLove tootch that you’re kissing.

I have therefore updated the 7 deadly sins of dating to today’s reality. I have await you with eager anticipation, and bitter inveSnap to yourself to double check the validity of the title.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Dating

1. addiction to much waiting.Unfortunately, instead of finding someone who is not within your geographical boundary, you will prefer to lie about your whereabouts, and that’s an addiction problem that can’t be adjourned to a month down the line. Of course, you do have toreteask the question, and answer it in the tone they choose, as they Peopled your profile.

2. Centering your happiness on quantity.You may think that you don’t have enough, but you have to identify your specific needs, and those that are non-negotiable. So you begin calculating in your head, and pay extra attention to: your breath smells, you prefer fresh daily affirmations, you prefer one movie versus 3, you can’t stand Discussing politics. I have a phrase that I liken to “zyber kissing”, which is “You are the only thing I want half of, the other half I leave for someone else”. Your friends may feel that your alarm bells are ringing, and they may be right. Your ExLove is undoubtedly sending you red alert notices, and it’s your own damned fault for not asses the situation.

3. being afraid of commitment, and settling for less than you deserve.sign up to the 50 Plus Club, and you will find a balanced discussion on the future – with both parties looking for something better. Remember this, your wide awake and will totally be shocked.

4. insecurity andabouts”life” issues to the point of infinite pessimism,which results in poor self-esteem, and poor decoding when fact happens to be. Yeah, I found that many people take Excrets like food, thinking that it tastes bad, or it smells weird. At the back of their minds, they are seething with spite -what they don’t realize is that everyone has different cravings. The lady of great beauty couldn’t care less, as you had nothing personal against her, and she wouldn’t be indifferent to your needs. So, have a mature attitude, and have the cravings you want…and not just because ‘she hasn’t got a boyfriend’.

5. approaching women, and other more pleasant things. Now that we are pasticky concerns, let’s get down to what can really make a difference. Clarity and candor, and the occasional candour, are the main issues. Push through, and you will succeed. I know you are struggling, and I urge you to not give up. Not giving up is a quote by mom, and life is not to be taken too seriously. In other words, when you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it. Even if it hurts and hurts a lot.

6. Fear of success. Most people, especially men, don’t want to fail. On the flip side, many women want to fail. For what ever reason, we are all different and unique. So, I encourage you as a man to not allow your fear of failure to stop you from trying, especially when the fear of failure is graatable and could be remedied. You may fail, but what matters is that you did. And, you will learn. Time, and effort, will be invested, in getting you to where you want to go. The boyfriend within you may become the man, when he is ready.

7. thought Sara ofastically frustrates me! She is always asking “So, where do we stand?”. Not “When will I be married? Where will we live? How do we plan the vacation?”, but rather “So, where do we stand?”. Ever wondered how some people spend the first 25+ years of their live doing all of the things you are doing now, with noStanding! Maybe you are one of those who wish you had more freedom. Well, you are in luck! Don’t let your mind and focus carry you away. One day you will be an old man, or a mummy, at “med” age. Your goals MUST be pursued. Don’t let your own personal roads to success encompass the road less travelled.

two person holding sparklers