How To Be More Confident Around Men Today

woman in black shirt sitting beside woman in black shirt

Do you want to be more confident around men? Do you often wonder how some women have such an easy time going up to men and striking up conversations? It’s not uncommon and it shouldn’t be hard to learn how to be more confident around men. Follow the advice given below and you’ll be well on your way to becoming the alpha woman that you’ve always wanted to be!

You can attract more men by being more confident. However, this isn’t about being a braggart or deliberately trying to take advantage of men. It’s about understanding how to best communicate your needs and requests to others without coming across as being Full figured out.

It might not seem like it, but every successful woman has been confident at some point in her life. Even before she became successful, girls were drawn to some guys simply because they were confident. Guys find confidence in women to be quite a turn on. The question is how to be more confident when socializing with guys.

Playing it cool works. Always keep the tension and don’t be afraid to acknowledge that you’re nervous. Too often, women will draw a man out and get into a relaxed and comfortable state. He relaxes, thinks he’s having fun and maybe even a bit surprised how calm she is. But wouldn’t it be great if he pulls you in for a passionate kiss, and then a burst of passionate romance as he pulls you in?

The trick to being more confident around men is to learn to be more relaxed, open, self-assured and self-WHIPPER. What you need to do is to keep a consistent supply of fun, playful energy that is equal parts sexy and playful.

You can then set yourself apart from other women by not reacting to the men that you’re talking with. By maintaining eye contact with the men that you’re talking with but not staring at them, you’re keeping the intimacy and the mystery. It’s also important to make sure that your voice is full and your body language is open. If you’re crossing your arms and crossing your fingers then you’re not going to give off the impression of being friendly and approachable.

Instead, look at the men that you’re talking with and tease them playfully, give them the “I-don’t-want-to- spans” look or whatever else it is that you’re comfortable using. Ironically, whenever you’re having a playful back-and-forth over something that the other person has just done, you’re subconsciously telling the men in the room that you don’t want to get close to either one of them by playing any sort of demeaning or belittling abuse.

If a man says something silly, call him on it. If a man touches your hand, tell him how it cool or what a great Opener you just used. If he asks you what you do for a living say something funny about your field day.

But the key to being more confident around men is to simply avoid the negative feedback that most other women will be sending out.

Instead of being another negative female who is negative in her thinking and action toward others, be a more positive person and you’ll attract men.

I truly believe that a large reason for the lack of success with men is the fact that the majority of women are seeking to be validated and told that they’re attractive asset. But often it just seems like no one likes them. And when they try to open up about their flaws, they’re met with bizarre stares. And then everyone just moves on.

But what if it’s not just about looks?

Well then, this is where it pays to do some digging and receive some answers as to what’s causing things to go the way they are. You have to put your guys down on paper and figure out what the problem is.

And when you’re figuring out what the problem is -put it down!

If you want to be more confident around men, you need to acknowledge and solve the problems. No man will stick around to be pushed around. If you’re confident in your own skin and you know that you’re no ordinary woman, he’ll come to you and be more receptive to his advances.

Be a bit forward and playful when you are talking to a man. Lean in, lightly touch his shoulder, rub, and whisper softly in his ear. Women like to communicate through light touching. These small intimate moments will encourage the men around you to step up the game.

man in blue suit jacket hugging woman in blue and white striped dress