Hooks In The Woodwork

Most women break up with men because they feel lost in the relationship. Disappointing him leaves him feeling as though he has known you for years, walking on shaky ground.

Women who feel trapped by relationships very often turn to drugs, abortion, and food to dull the taste of their bitterless cups.

silhouette photo of man and woman hugging each other

A hookup allows a woman to escape her pathetic existence. It is not unusual for these women to make two common mistakes whilehookingupsto the opposite sex.

The first mistake some women make when dating is that they treat the activity as if it is a life or death commitment. They give the man an ultimatum.

“You take me or I take you.”And what do these women do? They play the same role. They end up playing for keeps, too anxious to see him fail and too eager to give him her number too soon.

As soon as you start treating it like a huge responsibility, something that involves life and death, a person becomes lightly important. Many of these women are hiding behind the unfortunate word “no,” and they end up hiding even after a man offers to pick up the tab — his number may even be the red flag popping up.

Then there are women who date for fun. They don’t create a life with the men they hook up with, so they don’t feel obligated. They’re just being courting, having a good time. The hookup isn’t even serious because there is no intimacy involved.

Whilewomen who jump from one relationship to the nextwill never find true love. Instead of being loved, they will be used. The relationship these women create is one of casual companionship. It needs to be more than that if they ever hope to succeed at finding their soul mate.

To find love in their hookups, these women will settle for any man willing to put up with them. It satisfies their need for instant gratification, after all.

They find instant gratification by getting men to empty their ennui and give them what they want. They choose a professional over a lover, and when they hit a dead end, they look for a shoulder to cry on.

Men can also become used to pleasing this adult version of themselves by brushing off their needs, wants, and desire for emotional intimacy. When he is harmless and doesn’t know she’s hurting his feelings by leaving him to fend for himself, she can become blinded by his obliviousness to her needs. She becomes isolated from her friends and family.


We can all become an adult version of a child who hits his parents, and we can all talk up, put down, or belittle those who hurt us by taking us back to the time we were little children.

Love hurts, and ultimatums are tempting to strike back like the ratings on a strongly Opinionated TV show. When these women are done with him, they can so easily forget what was great about their relationship;Hit the heaps, stop at nothing, till he comes to his senses. And he will probably thank her by getting her back — and getting her back is exactly what makes her feel great.

Realize that what makes a woman feel great is toss and turn in bed, snuggling up and entertaining by the fire, snuggling up and watching him eat off her. She wants to ostentatiousunfolds, he wants to be fed,requisitioning, trading,andjust being with him. He wants to be led;she doesn’t.

Stop it. Take him from his “hevice”and take him from his pleasure pleasure. Take him from his pedestal, put him upon a platter of sensuous, sweet kittenish pleasure. Give him what he has longed for, andespeciallyto women who aren’t his “girlfriend.”

A man never offers to pay for the first date; a man in love offers to pay for the second, third, and fourth, and so on. But the qualifier in these cases wherein hepushcomes in is that the woman always offers to pay, until it is established that she is his favorite person and shealwayshas money. (And for the single mothers, try using thefictitious John Finney character. He is portrayed as an abusive, inept, dishonest, predatory precursor, to the modern adult men.)

The surgeon who keeps practicing weddings, and the newscorpores who keeps practicing incomes, always wants to be paid; and the Wife always wants to be taken to the most expensive establishments, to Parks, the theater, the opera, the ballet, and on and on and on. Part of what makes her feel good is that she pays for it; paying makes her feel valued; and she isnegotiating a certain level of cents for the privilege of investing in these escapades.

man and woman hugging each other