Friends Or More Than Friends – Find Out What He Wants!

woman in white t-shirt lying on bed beside woman in black shirt

Do you have a twisted friendship with someone who confuses you? Are you sad because you don’t know if he wants you to be his girlfriend? Are you confused because you don’t know what to think? Don’t worry. There are a lot of women who feel the same way. Maybe you are one of them looking for answers. You aren’t alone. There are a lot of women who feel attraction for a friend but don’t know how to handle it. Opposites do attract, well, opposites tend to attract. If you are one of those friends who is unsure what to think or if your not sure what his intentions could be then you don’t need to worry. It is a weird and wonderful world out there! So, maybe you are one of these women who have differing views of what it means to be his girlfriend or not. Take a look at these common issues:

Does he confide in you?

You must think and have asked yourself this one, “does he confide in me or is he more distant in my relationship?” There are many relationships from lack or almost no communication between the parties. If your man is shy and don’t talk much around you, then chances are he is having problems confiding in you. If you are in a relationship of more than just companionship, as in you want to be his girlfriend and he has not said that to you or does not expect you to know that, then you are one of the many girlfriends who are unsure of what to think or do.

Does he always say that he loves you?

Often it is hard for a man to say that he loves you. So, if your man is not saying that he loves you but you can feel it. You can always ask him to, ask him how he feels about the question. Men are not always as eloquent in matters of love as women are. So, he may not always say that he loves you. But the gestures always add up. And, if he has them, maybe he is not saying them to be sweet and romantic but that he feels them. Maybe he means them, those few words that he says every time and you just need to accept that. Every relationship takes time and patience. And then when he says he loves you, maybe he really does but probably because he cares for you and you really mean a ton to him.

Does he make you feel special?

Guys rarely say I love you or want to be with you all the time. They may say that sometimes, but for the most part you can almost pick up on it. If he is cuddly and talks to you when you are home and asks you a question you don’t know how to answer, has he made you feel like a baby? Does he pay attention to your problems and does he give you advice or protection from bad situations that might come your way? Does he bring you breakfast in the morning or bring you lunch and a drink when you are at your favorite restaurant? Can you find a way to include him in some of your hobbies and interest? If he does, that’s a sure sign he is into you.

Does he flirt with you?

Now, this one can be a little hard to really evaluate. There are some men who will really flirt with you and then proceed to confuse and have little to no interest in you. But, if he is a changed man, one that has changed his mind, simply because he has realized how important you are to him, then go with it. It may be hard, however, to be sure if he is a changed man or just sweet. But, if you are honest with yourself, you will recognize it when you are right. Does he touch you a lot? Or does he like to give you a hug or a peck on the cheek? Does he go out of his way to spend time with you, even if he has other plans? Does he smile a lot, or do you always have to do the smiling. A smile is a warm and sweet message. A man doesn’t go out of his way to touch or lean towards you if he doesn’t like you.

Does he make you smile?

Who doesn’t like to smile. If he makes you smile, that is a pretty good sign he likes you. When you think about it, many things can cause a positive response. Maybe he is a really good listener. Some people are always encouraging and can always make you feel better about yourself. If he is one of those people, then those are great signs. Then, if he isn’t always making you feel good, that can be a flag as well.

You can definitely tell, from the little things that matter, if he wants you to be his girlfriend. He will make you laugh.

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