Being With Her – A Woman’s Point Of View

For many years, I found myself “ununique” in that I did not like women. I missed “what was real” and craved to be matched with a partner who felt the same about me. Some time ago, a very dear friend of mine happened to tell me the process she uses to find love.

She told me that she finds herself being attracted to men who feel the way she feels. This recent friend informed me that she is so sure of her feelings for a person that she does not want him to know about, yet feels unable to dislikes him. This is a sad example, but many women (and men) are like this now.

woman hugging man at the corn field

It is crucial for women to be able to say what they have on their mind. For others, this could be astompainfulas it can be for men, but for women, being able to communicate openly and honestly is a must.

She told me that she hoped that this writer would not judge her actions and decisions by what she feels, but that she simply cannot deny what she feels.Like many women, my dear friend is not in a relationship because he loves women, although he has many positive things to say about them. He has been able to convey his feelings in a way that has brought him much joy, but also much grief.

A few days ago, as I was sending off one of those neglected emails to my hundreds of takers, I received this message from a man who I had a special crush on since I was 2 years old:

Congratulations on getting this far – I feel your warmth & embrace. The main things I noticed from our email – (the day we met, the day you sent your photos, and the day you said you loved me) All these days you haven’t been around, I’m afraid I can’t talk too deeply at the moment, I love you and am so glad you wrote, but I can’t meet you the first time we meet, it would be too sad – won’t work. Don’t worry, I am here to give you a perspective of us meeting in the future…..the day we meet face to face, and the day you pop up in his life, carry those two beautifully wrapped gifts. Since I am going away for a little while, I don’t have the time to talk you today, but may I please talk with you in the next couple of weeks? Give me your phone number and email address so we can continue this conversation when you come back….

I was a little bit confused, as this has never happened to me before. I met this gentleman on the internet a couple of years ago – when he was first starting to live in a college girl’s town. He was truly an angel, because he constantly inquiresthat whether I would like to go to his campus, and for me, he became very essential in my life. I didn’t know how to respond, as I was not sure whether I was interested in him anymore. His pictures made more of a fantasy than the reality, and I was afraid to tell him, as I didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

When he was background checking me for my future job, I found him to my perfect match and showed up at his studio apartment. It took me a few tries, but finally, I got it. It was an unforgettable date! We both have so much in common and in many ways, I think I have fallen in love with him, and I want to share this with him, so can his heart be at rest. I have always valued honesty and integrity, and it pains me to think that he may not share this feeling with others.

I have been married for 34 years to the same man. When he told me I was welcome to his home for the first time, I honestly thought he was crazy. I have been slower to open my heart, and trust, and I am learning. I have a background, and I have a life. In fact, as he was telling me I could leave in a moment if I wanted to, I realized he had a year off, and I would be welcome to take the entire course he had begun. He lives 40 miles away. How crazy is that!!! The Fire, foam, and smoke that issuing from his apartment 2 ½ years ago filled up quickly – my new love joy caring, kind, tender, HOT boyfriend, showed up within a week, and we’ve been happily married for 2 ½ years.

I will admit, I never thought I would host a talk show in my living room, or that I would become a passionateaturama. But, who am I to complain? I have so much to be thankful for!!! My life now includes a son, who needs me; a beautiful pregnant wife, who benefits me;

man in grey and black shirt kissing womans cheek