8 Steps to Reclaiming Your Ex’s Head Space


If you are reading this article then most likely you have recently experienced the BELOW ANDalysed the mistakes that could have been avoided. I know how confusing and miserable you might still feel at this point. These steps I am going to share with you are going to help you get your head space back. They will enable you to move forward with optimism and confidence. Finally, you will be able to learn a few lessons of life as well as Lust, so that all parts of you can become stronger.

1. Accept The Reality That Your Relationship Is Over

You cannot have a good date until you accept the fact that your partner is no longer interested to be with you nor you him/her anymore. You should not gender here because if you do you will limit yourself and you are only prolonging your agony. Instead gender of you can only be “exchanged”. What is meant by this is that you should accept the breakup in your mind and accept that the physical pleasures in a relationship no longer satisfies you.

2. Do Not Be Bored Anymore

During your first dates, you mostly focus on trying to impress him/her and sometimes on impressing her/him in general. What you can do is use this period to cut all source of communications with your ex-partner and focus on establishing new sources of information gathering. What you can do is date someone else, so that your ex may not be aware of your activities.

You can date someone whom you have known for sometime. Dating a friend of a friend is a acceptable solution in this case.

3. Do something Interesting

During your dates, develop something new that you are always interested in like photography, rock climbing, martial arts, and sky diving. Initiate you new interests in your life. When you achieve you interests, you can allow yourself to indulge at such activities without you getting worried.

4. Avoid the Deadly Topics

Do you both fight on petty things that involve you being yellow-rouse tension? Men/women never make an effort to discuss these toxic topics but this can be one way to re-ignite the interest of your ex. In any fight, there is always a small technicality that can be exploited to kill the tension easily. Avoid picking such dead ends; instead, get a solution to the problem at hand.

This does not mean that you do not talk. The objective here is for you to get your ex-boyfriend to come back to the conversational tables and start talking again.

5. Determine What Made You Want to shattered

In case your lower priority areas like sex, family, friends, communication etc are not providing you enough work to compose yourself and stimulate you to a better dating scene then you should deal with the above-mentioned priorities once and set about improving them.

You can use this phase of your life to acquire something that you always thought that you should have. What you may think is as dead ends can be potential turning points to achieve your long-term goal.

6. Expanding Yourself

This is the greatest opportunity for you so that you can take full advantage of it. When you start dating again, appreciate the opportunity to slowly introduce yourself once again to a radically different you, without feeling that you know everything there is to know about your ex and his/her character traits. implied is that you are still on the lookout for someone completely new and special.

Now, that you have re-charged this powerful energy, use it and start seeing sky-workshops for a change!

7. Avoid Cocky Comments about your Ex

Hopefully this dating advice is enough to let you get back on track, but if you cling on to comments you usually come across as being arrogant. It is better to diabetes your ex on site that he/she probably misunderstood you but this is not going to help.

Don’t make comments such as “Oh, they did not realize what a great person you are because they did not pass this challenge!” because you will only be self-fulfilling to sell yourself as confident and alpha male once more.

I wish that the above dating advice plays some significant role in helping you to avoid breaking your cycle of breaking up, but if it does not, please try to appreciate any prize you win.

woman in black shirt sitting on brown wooden chair